Saturday, February 10, 2007

Surat Lama, Hasrat Sama: Bantulah

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious,the Most Merciful.

Assalamu'Alaikum Warahmatollahi Wabarakatuh.

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Allow me as mufti of Siberia to apply you with this letter. May Allah give you calmness and peace. On behalf of Muslims of Siberia allow me to express deep respect to you and all your nation. It is known that people in your country live in peace and well-being, praise to Allah. The other situation here, in Russia, Muslims of our country were being persuaded not to practice Islam by communist regime for about 70 years, since 1917. Religion was prohibited.

Nowadays, we can see revival of Islam in Russia, praise to Allah. People again started to think about the God. In search of God they come to our mosque, the Siberian central mosque, and here people find everything they need-the Faith in Allah. Our mosque is the pride of almost 90 thousand Muslims of Omsk. Our mosque is the biggest mosque in Siberia and the Far East of Russia.

But I would like to revert in 1978 , when I came in Omsk as imam. That days, a mosque was situated in an old house 80 square meters. Old men and women were forced to say their prayer in overcrowded room without any ventilation. And by celebrations, as Eid al-Fetr, were sitting outdoors on bare soil because of short of place; and they were saying their prayer under snow and rain, in cold and heat (I dispose of video recording). All of us have been reading Dua so that we would have a big beautiful mosque, where Muslims could say their prayer in comfortable conditions. So, I have given an oath before parishioners that they would have a big mosque. After carried out organization measures, Muslims of Omsk started gathering money for building a mosque. We appealed to our local authorities but did not get any help. But we saw that orthodox churches, synagogue, Lutheran temples were being built. So, I am sorry to say, but we did not get any help from our brothers, Muslims, from different countries either. May be they just did not know about the construction of a mosque in Siberia. As you know, the Prophet Muhammad (Peace and Mercy Be Upon Him) said:

Man ba'na baitan fid dun'ya, banalLahu Liahu baitan fil-janna.
That one who will build the house of Allah on the earth, Allah will build for him a house in heaven.
It will be a big sawap (reward) for those who will take part in construction of the house of Allah here, in Russia. Join us, and Allah Ta'ala will reward you.

Nevertheless, in 1989, the necessary sum of money for beginning the construction of the Siberian central mosque were gathered, and first piles were driven in. But financial crisis in Russia in 1992 devalued money and the works stopped. But Muslims did not gave up. So, the construction works started again. That is why the construction of the mosque was long and took several years. The main construction works were finished in 1997. Allah Ta'Ala heard our Dua and the 5 of October - the date of opening-became a great celebration to all muslims of our city. About 5,000 people came to Qurban Al-Bairam and 500 people -men and women, young and old-come to the mosque every Salat Al-Djuma.

On the 6 of August, 1999 the madrasah by the mosque was open. In the madrasah are taught 150 pupils. But because of shortage of tables, chairs, books and other necessary equipment, our teachers give lessons only every Sunday. We are full of plans and do all our to flourish Islam.

But there are a lot of things stay undone because of shortage of finance. First of, It is necessary to complete improving works in the mosque, in the madrasah and its territory. The mosque is fenceless, and the territory is not equipped with services and utilities at all. It is necessary to fence in 1600 square meters (160 meters of forged iron fence) and to asphalt the bigger part of that territory. For all that purposes we need to gather at least $400,000. I think that $400,000 is miserable sum of money for your rich country. But this money could help to solve all the problems standing before us in deed of improving works in the mosque, the madrasah (where placed class rooms, hostel for pupils, canteen and complex of ritual services). All that places need materials for inner works and equipment.

You are the one of the people who can really help Muslims of our city and region. I am making use of this opportunity to approach You with a request. Would you be so kind as to support your Brothers and Sisters in this difficult time by finance in order to solve problems, standing before Muslims of our city, before parishes of the Siberian central mosque.

I am as mufti of Siberia, including nine regions i.e. Omsk, Tomsk, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk, Chita, Kemerovo, Irkutsk, Altayskiy Kray, Hakassiya; would greatly appreciate your attention to our problems.

We will be very grateful to you for any sum of money.

Whatever attention you can possibly give to us, Muslims of Siberia will be grateful to you. All of us are looking forward to your answer back. It is very important for us to establish and maintain relations with you, with all the people of good will, who want to help us in sacred deed - flourish Islam in Siberia.

In the Name of Allah we ask you not to leave us alone in front of problems and support your Brothers and Sisters of Siberia.

With best wishes
Mufti Shackirzianov Zulckarnay Shakirzianovitch

If you are interested, please visit any time you want. It will be the great pleasure of seeing you at our mosque. If You invite me, I will visit You with great pleasure. In that case I will bring with me all the documents and inform you about situation in details. We apply photos made during Eid al-Fetr. There were around 6,000 people. The mosque,the rooms of madrasah were overcrowded. We are proud of it.

Wassalamu'Alaikum Warahmatollahi Wabarakatuh.

Our address:
102, 20 Lines, Omsk, Russia 644009
phone/fax: (7-3812) 33-97-52

bank requisites:

Correspondent account of Omskpromstroybank Omsk Russia
SWIFT: OPSBRUSM. '001-1-538873 with JP Morgan Chase Bank New York USA (SWIFT: CHASUS 33) for account of: Department of Siberian Muslims. Account No.: 40703840500000000826

Our expenses for a year:
for heating - 80,000 roubles or USD3,076 (rate of exchange-US$1=26 roubles)
electricity supply - 3,600 roubles or USD138.
telephone - 2,592 roubles or USD99.
taxes - 18,000 roubles or USD692.
water-supply and sewerage - 3,600 roubles or USD138.

Monthly Salary of staff of the Siberian central mosque:

mufti - 1,000 roubles or USD38.
imam - 500 roubles or USD19.
muadzin - 300 roubles or USD12.
teacher of the madrasah - USD8
driver - 500 roubles or USD19.
accountant-cashier - 500 roubles or USD19.
charwoman - 200 roubles or USD8.
watchman - 150 roubles per month or USD6.

Wahai saudara-saudaraku, setiap kali anda ke Starbucks pasti anda akan berbelanja sekurang-kurangnya RM15 atau hampir USD4. Bukankah itu setengah dari keperluan untuk membayar gaji bulanan ustaz di madarasah? Tepuk dada tanya selera.


Anonymous said...

gitu ropenye..

Anonymous said...

Salam alaikum Mufti,

It is intersting to know that you are trying hard to keep the mosque alive. How much money do you ned and what do you need it for? Maybe i can ask my mosque in London to ask for some donations from people.

Also, I assume most of the people that visit the mosque are from all other parts of Russia, working there, so do you have many families and local people there also Muslim as well?

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